Wednesday, March 11, 2020

nature versus nurture essays

nature versus nurture essays Nature versus Nurture: What shapes us and how do we become the people we are today? Everyday children are born; millions of new lives start each day, throughout the world. The growth and the development of these children, has been a topic of confusion and debate for years. Many psychologists are argued over what factors make up the person we are, whether they are biological or environmental. Different theories and conclusions have been drawn over what exactly shapes us, and what effects us from birth through adulthood. Though by studying the differences between theories I was able to draw from each and come up with my own conclusions about development and the nature versus nurture debate. I believe that only through knowledge of many theories are you able to get a clear understanding of development, and then only are you able to really analyze and come to your own conclusions. Once I was done studying the different theories and comparing this to my own thoughts and personal experiences with children I was able to come to my own conclusions about development I ha ve believe that nurture is much more influential on a childs development than nature is. Infants are born with about one hundred billion nerve cells. All of these nerve cells have not yet made the important connection, which determine a persons social, emotional, and intellectual make-up. Most of the connections are made in the first three years of a humans life. These connections are the most important and whoever and whatever comes in contact with the child will have an effect on them. Infant brain cells are constantly making connections and sending and receiving information from other cells. The signals which are sent and received travel from cell to cell by chemicals such as serotonin. The electrical impulses move over the synaptic gap and to the dendrites, then move down the axon to the terminal buttons, here the information is sent to another ce...

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Streets of London (by Frank Mc Tell) essays

Streets of London (by Frank Mc Tell) essays Streets of London (by Ralph Mc Tell) How to explain the songs popularity Ralph Mc Tells song Streets of London is about the everyday poverty which we, the healthy and wealthy part of our society, dont seem to recognize. The song tells the story of an old, impecunious man who used to be a successful seaman, a hero. In the past, the old man was respected and admired by the society, but in the same way his medal ribbons fade, the societys memory of the former hero fades. Ralph Mc Tell is able to make us feel guilty and responsible when listening to his song as he sings about a man who was once a decent, hard working person like most of us are. We can see ourselves in the old mans wretched position and that makes us feel frightened and pensive. Most people think that poverty only exists in Third World Countries, where there is not enough to eat and the water is polluted but Ralph Mc Tell doesnt sing about the enormous poverty of millions of people in Africa or Asia, he sings about the (individual) poverty we can find in our neighbourhood and in our own family. He makes us aware of the seriousness of poverty and due to the fact that each one of us could end like the old man in the song, we suddenly worry about the poverty described by Ralph Mc Tell. The song blames us for ignoring the lonely and poverty- stricken persons who live in our city, village or vicinity (let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London). An other reason for the songs immense popularity is, in my eyes, that Ralph Mc Tell uses many symbols in his song (yesterdays papers telling yesterdays news, looking at the world over the rim of his teacup). Only by analysing the song very carefully, we can really understand what it tries to tell us. We realise that the persons mentioned in the song do not have any responsibility for thei...